SPC Overview and Role

The LFN SPC was approved on May 15, 2019, as a committee of the Governing Board. The SPC has the dual role of helping to set the strategy for the LFN portfolio of projects as a whole and providing Projects visibility into the directions of the Governing Board. As with all GB committees, the SPC only provides recommendations and guidance to the Governing Board. It is the GB that has the ultimate decision-making authority regarding those recommendations.

More information may be found here: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/o4Hu

ODL Representative Responsibilities

Election Dates

Nomination period:  to  

Voting period: will last 2 weeks from the conclusion of the nomination period. 


Only OpenDaylight TSC members are eligible to run.  If you are interested in self-nominating, please indicate so below

@Sample Candidate