

Repo Name



The YangIDE subproject will provide an Eclipse plugin that can be used to view and edit Yang model files. The following basic features are aimed to be supported:

File and Project Support

Code Editing

Diagram Model Editor

Export Features

Maven integration

non-Maven integration


The YangIDE application will use the Yangtools ODL subproject for parsing and semantic validation of Yang models. At the present time, there are no obvious dependencies on the YangIDE project from other parts of OpenDaylight. There is no reason to disallow this reuse, but to be practical, anything that is part of YangIDE that is found to be reusable would be better exported to a shared component that the YangIDE project depends on.

Resources Committed (developers committed to working)

David Karr (
Kevin D'Souza (
Jonathan Pang (

Initial Committers

David Karr (; gerrit: davidmichaelkarr) will be the initial committer.

Vendor Neutral

The initial codebase being used to seed the project will be completely open-source (Eclipse Public License), with no proprietary logos or artifacts.

Meets Board Policy (including IPR)
