
Major Features


Target Environment

For Execution

Java Runtime Environment 8

For Development


Known Issues and Limitations

The BGP extensions (L3VPN, EVPN, Route Refresh, Add-Path) were tested manually with vendor's BGP router implementation or other software implementations (exaBGP, bagpipeBGP). Also, new features are covered by the unit tests and automated system tests.

Changes Since Previous Releases

The BGP, PCEP and BMP are no longer depending on TPCMD5 project. This library functionality was replaced with Netty's TCP MD5 implementation.

Bugs Fixed in this Release

At least 28 bugs was fixed.

Migration from Previous Releases

no changes

BGP-FS, BGP-LU model's grouping changes - affects Java DTO users only - update Java imports

BGP OpenConfig top-level node is augmenting OpenConfig Network Instance model now - affecting target RESTCONF identifiers and namespaces

Compatibility with Previous Releases

No compatibility issues are expected.

Deprecated, End of Life, and/or Retired Features/APIs

BGP CSS-based configuration

Distribution of MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) LSP State using BGP