
Major Features

The Hydrogen release of BGP/LS and PCEP project delivers the baseline support for the two protocols and applications which tie the protocols to the controller's MD-SAL infrastructure.

BGP support

PCEP support

MD-SAL applications

Programming pipeline

Target Environment

For Execution

A Java 7-compliant runtime environment is sufficient to run the protocol libraries. An MD-SAL enabled container, such as the OpenDaylight Controller is required for operation of the MD-SAL application.

For Development

In order to participate on development, you will need some standard Java development environment which supports Maven projects hosted in Git. Core developers use Eclipse on Linux, but also plain console with vim/mvn/git, so pretty anything you are comfortable should work reasonably well.

Known Issues and Limitations

This release focused on getting the basic protocol working, with BGP getting more testing. The implementation has been tested to inter-operate with one major router vendor and its topology export was examined for consistency with underlying network topology. PCEP has only been tested to establish a stateful connection with a single major router vendor, but no further testing was done, so your mileage may vary.